
Are you suffering from dental anxiety?

dental anxiety

Dental anxiety is often assumed to be experienced by children and those of the younger generation, which can make older patients’ feel reluctant to seek help for their nerves. Despite this common misconception however, dental anxiety is in fact extremely common, and experienced by individuals of all ages. If you are a patient who is feeling nervous when in a dental environment then you may benefit from knowing you are not alone. Furthermore, seeking help from a dental healthcare professional can also make a huge difference for nervous patients’.

Seeking help from your dentist Richmond.

Patients experiencing anxiety within the walls of their local surgery may feel reluctant to attend their scheduled bi-annual check-up, potentially leading them to re-schedule, postpone, or even cancel altogether. If you are a patient who is leaning towards these options, then why not seek assistance from your dental team now?

What can your dental team do to help you?

Many patients’ may not be aware of the commonality of dental anxiety, and may therefore feel comforted to know that they are far from alone, meaning their local surgery is likely to be extremely familiar with the nerves they are feeling. In addition to offering a wealth of knowledge when working with nervous patients, your local dental surgery may also educate you on the importance of attending a bi-annual check-up.


Why is visiting your dental surgery for a check-up so important?

In addition to dental anxiety, work, social, and family commitments can also lead patients’ to reschedule or cancel their appointment. Despite dental health falling down the priority ladder for a large number of patients’, it is undeniably important to keep your smile as healthy as possible. Dental check-ups allow your dental team to not only clean your smile (administering a scale and polish is a common procedure during a check-up) however they can also check for early signs of damage and decay which may require further treatment.

So… What should patients’ expect from a visit to their local practice?

For those patients’ who are experiencing dental anxiety, knowing what to expect before attending their appointment can make a huge difference for their nerves. In addition to asking questions regarding a patients’ diet or lifestyle habits (whilst potentially questioning any changes to medication made within the last six months): a dental check-up is also likely to include a thorough oral assessment, and a quick cleaning treatment.

What is a scale and polish?

A scale and polish is an extremely common treatment within the world of routine dentistry and is typically administered within a bi-annual check-up. Despite its common nature however, many patients’ may be unsure of how this procedure works to produce a cleaner, and happier smile!

Taking care of your smile

A scale and polish adopts the use of both abrasive dental pastes and special interdental brushes in order to remove build-up of plaque on the surface of the teeth. This plaque is caused by oral bacteria and (if left untreated), can lead to the development of more serious dental concerns (such as gum disease).

How long does this treatment take?

Not long at all. This procedure is often completed in just a few short minutes and is typically included within a routine check-up.

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