
Ayurveda For Menopause: Remedies, Benefits, and More

  • Ayurveda addresses the causes of menopausal discomfort by restoring balance to the doshas and looks into natural remedies, hormone balance, and stress management. 
  • Ayurvedic dietary recommendations include fruits and vegetables, whole grains, nuts, oily fish, lean protein sources, and legumes.
  • Yoga, meditation, daily routine, and deep breathing exercises can ease the menopause symptoms. 
  • Herbal teas like chamomile or rose and cooling foods like cucumber and coconut can help with hot flashes, spotting, and dehydration. 
  • For personalized Ayurvedic guidance on managing menopause, consult certified practitioners who can provide specific recommendations based on your constitution.

Menopause signifies a crucial period for women, characterized by diverse physical and emotional transformations. Although it’s a natural progression, dealing with menopausal symptoms can frequently pose difficulties in effective management.

Ayurveda is an ancient holistic healing system offering valuable alternatives to navigate through this phase gracefully. This guide will delve into Ayurveda for menopause, exploring its principles and practices to help women find balance and relief. We aim to provide you with 10 Ayurveda tips and remedies to combat menopausal symptoms effectively.

Ayurveda For Menopause

Ayurvedic massage

Ayurveda is also known as the science of life. It is a traditional Indian healing system from over 5,000 years ago. It’s rooted in the belief that the key to good health lies in maintaining balance in the body, mind, and spirit.

Ayurveda encompasses a holistic approach to well-being, considering an individual’s unique constitution (Prakriti), imbalances (Vikriti), and the interplay of energies or doshas (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha).

Menopause in Ayurveda

In Ayurveda, menopause is viewed as a natural phase in a female’s life that brings many changes. Considering the menopause etymology, it is referred to as Rajonivritti or the cessation of menstruation.

Unlike the conventional medical perspective that often focuses on symptom management and meds for menopause, Ayurveda aims to address the root causes of menopausal discomfort by restoring balance to the doshas. It also provides insights into the natural remedies for menopause bloating,  ayurvedic hormone balance, herbs to reverse menopause, etc.

Emphasis on Balance

The fundamental doctrine of Ayurveda centers on achieving and sustaining harmony within the body and mind, and menopause is no exception. Ayurveda recognizes that imbalances in the doshas can lead to various menopausal symptoms.

For instance, an increase in Pitta dosha can cause itchy skin and hot flashes, while Vata imbalance may result in anxiety and sleep disturbances. By restoring equilibrium, this system offers a holistic approach to managing these symptoms and provides Ayurvedic treatments for various menopause-based problems.

10 Ayurveda Tips To Combat Menopause

Incorporating Ayurvedic treatment for menopause into your daily routine can be a transformative approach to managing the symptoms. In this section, we explore 10 Ayurveda tips, ranging from dietary choices to stress-reduction techniques, to discover how this ancient practice can provide relief and promote well-being during menopause.

Dietary Recommendations

Incorporate colorful fruits and vegetables into your diet to support your well-being during menopause. Choose whole grains like bulgur wheat, millet, sweet potatoes, brown rice, and whole-grain bread as the foundation of your meals to provide essential nutrients. For added nutritional benefits, consume a handful of nuts daily and include seeds in your meals.

To manage menopausal symptoms effectively, aim to incorporate oily fish in your diet a minimum of two times weekly. Opt for lean or plant-based protein sources in every meal, and regularly include legumes such as beans or chickpeas in your diet to enhance your overall health during this transitional phase.

Lifestyle Adjustments


Ayurveda recommends incorporating meditation and yoga practices into your routine. These practices not only improve flexibility but also enhance emotional well-being. Regular yoga and meditation practice can significantly decrease stress levels, which brings benefits during the menopausal transition.

Establishing a structured daily routine, known as Dinacharya, can also provide stability during the often turbulent phase of menopause. A consistent schedule helps regulate bodily functions and can contribute to emotional and physical balance.

Herbal Remedies

Beyond dietary intake, Ayurvedic herbs for menopause such as Shatavari, Ashwagandha, and Brahmi, are known for their hormone-balancing properties. When taken under the guidance of a practitioner, these Ayurveda hormone balance herbs can play a crucial role in alleviating menopausal symptoms.

Stress Management

Stress can aggravate menopausal symptoms, so Ayurveda for menopause recommends stress-reduction techniques like deep breathing exercises (Pranayama) and mindfulness meditation to stay emotionally grounded and reduce stress levels.


Ayurvedic cleansing practices, known as Panchakarma, aim to cleanse the body of toxins and rejuvenate your system. They should be performed under professional guidance to help you alleviate menopausal symptoms and experience a sense of renewal.

Cooling Foods

During menopause, incorporating cooling foods like cucumber, coconut, and leafy greens into your meals can be immensely beneficial. These foods help manage night sweats, hot flashes, and spotting by reducing excessive heat in the body.

In contrast to the cooling recommendations, turmeric can also help with the symptoms by improving blood circulation and digestion. If the fact that it’s known as a ‘warming spice’ scares you off and makes you ask, ‘’Does turmeric cause hot flashes?’’ rest assured that turmeric is an excellent remedy for hot flashes, joint pain, and other menopause manifestations.


Staying well-hydrated is essential during menopause. Ayurveda for menopause recommends herbal teas like chamomile or rose, which not only keep you hydrated but also have calming properties, promoting emotional balance.

Sleep Hygiene

Ayurveda also emphasizes the importance of a good night’s sleep. To improve sleep quality during menopause, you should adopt some Ayurvedic sleep hygiene practices, such as establishing a warm, relaxing bedtime routine to induce restful sleep.

Self-Care Practices

coconut oil

Pamper yourself with self-massage, known as Abhyanga, using cooling oils like coconut or sesame. Ayurvedic skincare routines with herbs, fruits, flowers, and other natural ingredients can help maintain healthy and radiant skin during menopause. These practices contribute to self-care and well-being.

Seeking Ayurvedic Guidance

While you will find our Ayurvedic tips helpful, it’s essential to get advised by an Ayurvedic practitioner. They can provide personalized recommendations tailored to your unique constitution and imbalances, ensuring your approach to managing menopause is holistic and effective.

A practitioner can offer further advice on how to reverse menopause naturally, use foods like turmeric for hot flashes, make home remedies for perimenopause, or apply natural remedies for menopausal bloating.

Bottom Line

Ayurveda for menopause offers a holistic and balanced approach to managing menopausal symptoms effectively. It emphasizes the importance harmonizing the body’s unique constitution and imbalances. Through dietary adjustments, lifestyle changes, herbal remedies, and other Ayurveda menopause techniques, women can navigate menopause with grace and well-being. Ayurveda’s natural and comprehensive approach provides an alternative to conventional treatments, empowering women to embrace this transformative phase of life confidently and comfortably.

For personalized Ayurvedic guidance on managing menopause, consult certified practitioners who can provide specific recommendations based on your constitution. To deepen your understanding, explore informative books like “The Complete Book of Ayurvedic Home Remedies” by Dr. Vasant Lad. Online Ayurveda courses offer in-depth knowledge, while Ayurvedic retreats provide immersive experiences. Join Ayurveda communities for shared insights and incorporate yoga and meditation through local classes or online resources.

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