
Could you be getting more from your dentist in Southgate?


Get more out of your smile

As we leave behind what was, for many of us, one of the most testing and trying years to date – hopefully we may have more to smile about.

However, because of the circumstances the last year placed upon many people, smiling may seem to be a challenge, as people are concerned about how their teeth look if they have not had access to a dentist.

Anyone who feels that they are actively and continuously hiding their smile behind a facemask out of embarrassment about the condition of their teeth should reach out to a trusted dentist and begin to get their smiles back on track.

What can a dentist do for me?

When we consider dentistry, there is a tendency to think of it purely within a responsive context – such as dealing with problems like traumas or infections, after they have happened.

However, this is merely one aspect of dentistry, which – as a field of medical science – encompasses far more than you may think.

One of the dental services which has continuously been in high demand is that of a dental hygienist. Rather than working in a responsive way, a hygienist works in a preventive sense, by making sure your teeth are as healthy and clean as they possibly can be.

woman at the dentist

What does a hygienist do?

The primary aim of a dental hygienist is to keep your teeth healthy and clean. They go about this through a number of means, ranging from education of both young and old patients about good tips and oral hygiene to a professional deep cleaning known as a ‘scale and polish’.

Part of what makes a dental hygienist such an important role in a dental practice is that they believe firmly that every patient has the potential to have a beautiful, healthy smile – without the need for any cosmetic treatments – and that it is their job to help them find it.

What is a ‘scale and polish’?

One of the most popular procedures which a dental hygienist regularly carries out is a professional deep-clean known as a ‘scale and polish’. This is designed to remove any and all build-ups of tartar, plaque and harmful bacteria to leave the patient’s teeth fresh and healthy.

Typically, the two-step process goes as follows:

  1. Initially, the hygienist uses an ultrasound scraper tool – alongside hand-held equipment – to scrape off any build-ups of plaque and tartar from throughout the patient’s mouth. This is particularly effective in removing any build-ups in the harder to reach spots, such as between teeth or at the back of a patient’s mouth
  2. Following this, the hygienist then uses a polishing tool to buffer and shine all throughout the patient’s mouth. This helps to rid their teeth of any residual bacteria, and also gives them a visibly fresher and cleaner look to their smile.

If you are concerned about your existing oral health and are looking to make a positive, lasting change – beyond the purely cosmetic – then simply arrange to have your teeth looked at by a hygienist at your next possible convenience.

Doing so will mean that your oral health gets a professional once-over and that all measures possible will be taken to get your smile confident and beaming once more.

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