
For a Natural and Refreshed Appearance, Try Dermal Fillers

dermal filler

For many people, noticing a change in their skin’s smoothness can seem as though it’s happened overnight. The odd line has become emphasised by the others that have also developed and you can be left wondering when these actually appeared without you being aware of them.

Fine lines and wrinkles appear in the skin when the body starts to produce less hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid provides skin with the nutrient levels and moisture it needs, and it maintains these levels. When the body produces less of it, this is when the changes in the skin’s smoothness appears.

There is a way to help increase the levels of hyaluronic acid in the skin. Dermal fillers can be a treatment that is used to achieve a more youthful and natural look. Dermal fillers are available in many clinics where they use this FDA-approved procedure.

How do dermal fillers work?

Dermal fillers can be used to help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, but they can also be used to help improve scars, define or enhance lips, improve facial volume and increase hydration to the face. After a detailed consultation, your treatment can be tailored to suit your requirements. With a bespoke treatment plan, you will then have hyaluronic gel injected into the targeted areas and it only takes about 30 minutes to administer.

Would I be eligible for treatment?

For people wanting to gain a fresher look for their face, eyes, cheeks, mouth, chin, hands or neck, this is a treatment that could work for you. People may choose to start treatment in their 30s when changes first start to appear, while other patients can be in their 50s or 60s. Dermal fillers may also work in combination with other treatments, which can be discussed with the professional overseeing your care.

Does it last?

looking at wrinkles

As with the body’s hyaluronic acid production, the hyaluronic gel’s effects will begin to fade as it starts to break down. Many people find the treatment quick and easy and look forward to coming back every 6 to 9 months. For around two visits a year, it can certainly be worth it when you feel refreshed and revitalised.

Is it safe?

The FDA has approved this treatment and, other than possible redness and mild swelling after treatment, there are no other side effects. In fact, after treatment, patients can continue with the rest of their day as normal, which is fantastic news for those with busy schedules or for those meeting up with friends for a relaxed lunch.

The next step

So, if you’re interested to know more about how to enhance a refreshed look that is natural, why not contact your nearest clinic? The consultation will provide answers to any further questions you may have. A consultation will give you a chance to explore the options available to you, ensuring that you get a treatment plan that suits your individual requirements. In a short while, you won’t be thinking about wanting to look fresh-faced; you’ll probably be too busy responding to everyone’s compliments about how well you look.

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