
Got some FAQs about attracting patients to your dental surgery? Read on!

woman at the dental clinic

When you are trying to get more patients to join your surgery, it can feel tough and as trends change, it can be even tougher to keep your marketing strategy relevant and functional.

As always, you and your team will be looking for a system to attract patients to your surgery for long-term care.

Have some questions about your current patient attraction system? Read on for other dental teams FAQS for tips on how you might improve.

How can I attract more patients to my surgery?

There are numerous ways to attract new patients into joining your dental surgery.

A key way that has helped many dental surgery’s is by offering welcome bonuses for existing patients if they make a successful referral. Another tip may be to work on your surgery’s SEO; afterall, more people are going to be able to access your page if it appears on the first page of a search engine result. Or, it may be worth investing some time and effort into your surgery’s social media presence; why not contact a marketing specialist who can give your website and strategy an overview?

dental surgery

How do I ensure that I keep my patients?

Once you have your patients, how do you keep them? Good question!

Of course, providing good customer care is vital, but there are many other ways to keep your patients feeling like valued members of your surgery (which they are!) In recent times, it is more important than ever to keep your surgery page updated with information about COVID-19. Of course, you can also send these updates via email or text to listed patients to keep them in the loop about how your team is handling the risks. And there is always the option to send newsletters to patients, which may contain offers that your staff are providing, which will help them to save money on their dental bills and help them to feel appreciated by your team.

Are marketing teams expensive?

You are a dentist and as such, you probably don’t have the time to be worrying about SEO, key terms and other marketing areas. It is wise to get in the professionals to handle this for you, which will lead you to SEO specialists and marketing teams. And depending on the level of help that you need, the process you will be quoted by these groups will vary. And it is important to note that SEO and marketing is not a short term solution. You will need to work with these teams for many months to get results and depending on the results you want, this can be expensive. So, shop around!

How does social media help with patient attraction?

Social media is a big part of patient attraction and can help you to reach more patients, who may have traditionally been excluded from marketing lists etc. Specifically, you will get more younger patients to your surgery using platforms like Facebook and Instagram than you would with regular SEO techniques.

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