
Navigating Life Alone with a Terminal Illness

sick man

• Create a support network of friends, online support groups, and telehealth services to help cope with your terminal illness

• Professional resources such as counseling, therapy, home health services, and hospice care are available to assist with the physical and mental tolls. 

• Setting small achievable goals can help restore a sense of control in everyday life. 

• Self-care is essential, so prioritize activities that bring joy, eat nutritious meals, and make time for relaxation. 

Living with a terminal illness can be overwhelming. You may face physical and emotional struggles, medical bills, and the fear of not knowing what comes next. Even more, you may be unable to rely on others to support you through this difficult time because of social distancing and quarantine measures. Despite all these challenges, there is hope for living alone with a terminal illness. Here are some tips on navigating this chapter of your life.

Create a Support Network

Being diagnosed with a terminal illness can leave you feeling isolated, but it’s important to know that you are not alone. Here are ways to build the support system that you need:

Reach Out to Friends

The care from those closest to you is just as important as the care from your medical team. Tell them your feelings, and be open about your thoughts or worries. Sometimes, they don’t have to do anything but listen. You can invite them to join you in activities that bring joy or even just talk on the phone.

Connect with Others with the Same Experience

Look for online support groups, either in person or online, where you can chat with others who understand what you’re going through and offer moral support. This is a great way to find practical advice and emotional comfort that only people with similar experiences can provide.

Use Telehealth Services

Telehealth services allow you to access medical care without leaving your home. This can be a great way to receive the care you need while avoiding visits to the hospital that may expose you to more germs and risk of infection.

Woman Having A Video Call

Explore Professional Resources

Living with a terminal illness means unpredictable changes in your health and lifestyle. Fortunately, there are professional resources available to help. Here are your options:

Counseling and Therapy

Seek counseling or therapy services to help you cope with a terminal illness’s emotional and psychological effects. A mental health professional can guide managing stress, anxiety, and depression.

Home Health Services

Home health services can assist with activities of daily living, such as bathing, dressing, and eating. This can be a great help when you need extra support, especially when you may be too weak to do these tasks independently. These services include skilled nursing care, physical therapy, and occupational therapy. It is also a multi-faceted program that combines medical care with comfort measures such as massage and music therapy.

Hospice Care

Hospice care focuses on providing comfort and support during the end stages of a terminal illness. Hospice care services such as nursing care, pain management, and spiritual support can help make your last days more comfortable. This can be done in a hospice facility or in your home.

Set Small Goals

Living with a terminal illness means not having any control over the outcome of your health—but that doesn’t mean that all aspects of your life need to be out of your hands as well. Setting small goals for yourself can help restore some sense of control in everyday life. Here are some quick tips on how to set and achieve small goals:

Start Small

Pick achievable goals that don’t require too much effort. This could range from a daily goal, like walking around the block, to a longer-term project, such as reading a book or learning a new language. You can also start doing something you have wanted to do, like writing in a journal or painting.

Person Holding Blue Ballpoint Pen Writing in Notebook

Create an Action Plan

Break down the larger goal into smaller, achievable steps. This makes the goal seem less overwhelming and gives you a sense of accomplishment as you complete each. For instance, if your goal is to learn a language, start with learning the alphabet and gradually work your way up.

Make Time For Self-Care

Taking care of yourself should always come first—especially when living alone with a terminal illness. Here are tips on how you can prioritize self-care:

  • Prioritize activities that bring you joy, such as listening to music, watching a movie, or taking a leisurely walk.
  • Good nutrition is essential for maintaining your health and well-being. Try to make nutritious, enjoyable, and easy-to-prepare meals.
  • Find time for relaxation and mindfulness. This could include yoga, meditation, or breathing exercises.

Living with a terminal illness can be difficult—especially if you have to do it alone. But by taking the steps above and creating your own support system, you can navigate this chapter of your life with courage, resilience, and hope.

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