
Taking you into the 21st-century dentist in Welwyn


Given the way dentistry is advancing today, dental practices need to keep up-to-date and offer patients the standard of service they expect. Dentistry is all about maintaining a patient’s teeth, gums and jawbone so that they can enjoy a healthy lifestyle. The first area of dentistry that a dentist in Welwyn believes is necessary to practice is preventive dentistry.

The main focus of this area is to educate patients about the correct method and routine that will enable them to maintain a healthy mouth. It is important to teach the correct way to brush their teeth and gums and the correct toothbrush that suits the sensitivity of a particular patient’s teeth and gums. They will try to instill a proper dental regime of visiting the dentist at least every six months for a checkup and attending hygienist appointments to remove any plaque.

Using everyday technology to make dental maintenance easier

Smartphone technology has brought with it a plethora of mobile apps that can be used to communicate, and a dentist needs to ensure that patients can communicate easily and effectively with them. Employing smartphone camera technology has allowed dentists to view a patient’s mouth without the patient having to be present in the surgery. This allows for a patient-dentist discussion via a virtual appointment so that the patient has an idea of what to expect on their appointment at the surgery. This also allows the dentist to prepare for that appointment, having gained a visual image of what needs to be done. It all cuts down on appointment time, allowing patients to get on with their busy lives and dentists more time in the day to see more patients.

dental treatment

Dental science and technology have also brought about amazing discoveries

The last ten years have seen amazing innovations in equipment and techniques that have made treatments easier and less discomforting. Administering anaesthetics through computer assistance has become more precise, resulting in numbness being more localised and less painful. A device that can be used as an alternative to a dental drill for certain procedures is welcomed by those patients who are fearful of the sound of a dentist’s drill. The advances made in braces and aligners technology have made teeth straightening more comfortable and efficient. Using two different methods, a variety of different braces can be used to correct several dental imperfections. The latest aligner technology allows dentists to provide a virtual image of how a patient’s teeth will look at the end of treatment even before treatment has started. The latest developments in dental implants have made it possible for almost anybody who has lost a tooth to now have an implant that performs as well as their natural teeth. The choice has broadened, and it’s no longer a choice between a bridge or a set of dentures.

Cosmetics and functionality

Today, dentists have to meet the demands of a generation that wants to take care of their teeth so that they function as they should for their lifetime. Patients also want their smiles to be cosmetically appealing so that they can smile radiantly when sending images to family and friends.

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