
Addressing the Skin’s Worst Enemy: Acne

woman with acne

Most people experience their first rodeo with acne when they reach the age of puberty. Oftentimes, this youthful period is characterized by growth spurts, overflowing hormones, and acne breakouts. While many individuals outgrow this stage once they reach adulthood, not everyone is as fortunate.

With the growing market demand for skincare products and acne solutions, people are trying their luck at whatever they can get their hands on to achieve good skin. Some people are lucky to come across products that work perfectly for their skin, but some make their situation worse than when they first began.

This is because to be able to understand how to properly manage or get rid of acne. You will first have to identify what it is and what causes it. Many factors come into play when dealing with acne — a person’s genetic make-up, environment, and lifestyle choices.

Randomly trying products and checking to see if they will work for you can harmful to your skin’s health because you’re continuously exposing it to different chemicals. The best way to manage acne will always be to consult a dermatologist or an aesthetician regarding the measures you can take.

What is acne?

First things first, you must understand that acne is an inflammatory and chronic skin condition that can appear anywhere on your body. But the most common areas for acne breakouts are on your face, arms, chest, and back. This includes pimples, whiteheads, blackheads, cysts, and nodules.

Not everyone experiences acne, or at least, not as severe as others. But everyone can be vulnerable to developing acne because all skin types produce sebum, which is the oil secreted by the skin’s glands. When the oil builds up under the skin and pores get blocked by dirt, that’s when pimples grow.

Acne is one of the most common skin problems that people deal with. Having severe acne can cause embarrassment and make people uncomfortable to be in public for fear of being humiliated. Fortunately, this skin condition can be managed through appropriate treatments.

What causes acne?

Although the main causes of acne are unknown, several factors can contribute to acne breakouts. Among the many risk factors include anxiety, stress, weather, and individual habits, as well as a woman’s menstrual cycle.

Many people turn to home remedies or drugstore products to help them achieve clear skin, but most of these solutions aren’t backed by actual data. Instead, these people rely on the effects of these products on others, hoping to achieve the same things they did when they used the skincare products.

Unfortunately, this might not be the best solution because every skin type is different. Your acne’s root cause can also be your genetic makeup, which means that no amount of skincare products can solve your problem if you only focus on the external component.

How can acne be managed?

While acne can be a recurring skin condition that never really disappears, it can be managed through appropriate treatments. However, it is important to note that the treatment you need highly depends on the severity and persistence of your acne.

For instance, in mild cases of acne, over-the-counter medications and skincare products can be used to manage your breakouts. Of course, you will still need to gauge what products can work best for you based on your skin type and acne condition.

On the other hand, for moderate to severe acne, consulting a professional might be your best bet. Severe acne often leaves pigmented marks, discoloration, and intense scarring, which can be difficult to resolve by regular skincare products alone.

In such circumstances, you might need to get a non-surgical acne scar treatment. This is a non-invasive treatment that is safe and affordable, provided that you get it done by a trustworthy medical professional. Your doctor will be able to recommend the appropriate aftercare routine once the treatment is over.

What other factors contribute to acne?

Besides a person’s genetic make-up and environmental factors, acne can also be developed because of unhealthy habits. This can include the constant popping of pimples, touching the face with dirty fingers, or the consumption of oily food.

If you know that you are prone to having acne, try to keep your hands away from your face, especially if you know they aren’t clean. Acne can be managed with treatment, but only if you combine it with healthy lifestyle changes.

So don’t lose hope if you’re currently dealing with acne. This skin condition is something that you have, not something that defines who you are as a person. It can be difficult to become self-confident when the first thing other people see is your inflamed skin but trust the process. You’re going to be okay soon.

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