
Teeth Stains: What You Should Know and Do About Them


For many people, smiling is always one way of brightening your day and the day of others. Throughout many of our social interactions, smiling will usually have several social impacts. Since smiling and speaking will usually involve showing our teeth to others, it’s only rational that we put a good amount of effort into making our teeth more presentable and even whiter.

There’s a common notion that people will usually have the notion that discolored teeth are due to individuals not practicing proper dental hygiene. Although poor dental hygiene might cause stained or discoloured teeth, several factors can result in teeth stains. In fact, there are various types of teeth stains. While some kinds can be easily removed by using enough mouth wash and thoroughly brushing your teeth, some discolourations will require professional aid. 

Understanding Teeth Stains

Before we can get into different treatments and measures that you can use for each type of teeth stain, we’ll need to know what causes them in the first place. 

Pearly white teeth are considered socially acceptable, and much of the public wants to ensure that their teeth are white. This is usually a sign that you place a lot of emphasis on your hygiene. Not only is this aesthetically pleasing for many individuals, but most professionals also want to focus on their teeth’ health since this will influence interactions in the workplace. These are some reasons many individuals will go to lengths to ensure that their teeth are pearly white.

It’s important to note that teeth stains or discolouration on your teeth is quite normal. In fact, it’s known that our teeth are naturally yellow. Still, there’s no harm in whitening your teeth. 

So what are some types of teeth stains? They can be divided into two parts:

Extrinsic Teeth Stains

teeth stain

One kind of teeth stains is extrinsic teeth stains. These stains are known for being outside of the tooth or enamel, which is affected by discolouration.  This type does not affect the inner layer of the teeth, which is known as the dentin. This is normally caused by food and substances with pigments that can alter the outer layer’s colour. Since the inner layer is not affected, this stain can be easily treated. 

If you plan to mitigate discolouration on your teeth, you might want to avoid or consume less of the following: 

  • Tea and caffeine drinks because of their dark colouring
  • Beverages like cola and red wine with chemicals that can darken teeth
  • Any product that contains tobacco
  • Certain types of food, like apples and potatoes, with substances that can discolour teeth.
  • Forgetting to brush within the day

Avoiding these products can help mitigate the effects of discoloured teeth. If you’re worried about health complications, you won’t have to worry since these teeth stains are known for being purely cosmetic. 

However, it’s still important to get professional medical advice if you still plan on getting teeth whitening. Fortunately, some dental professionals offer teeth whitening services that can help in keeping your teeth clean and white.

Intrinsic Teeth Stains 

In contrast to extrinsic teeth stains, intrinsic teeth stains refer to the inner layer of the tooth that is affected by discolouration. This will typically appear as a yellowish hue to the tooth. It can result from some of these situations:

  • Chipping of the tooth from injuries
  • Past trauma that has “deadened” the tooth
  • Part of the ageing process
  • Side effects from medication

This can be a bit more complicated than extrinsic teeth stains since you’ll need to start having more comprehensive examinations with your dental professional. The fact that the discolouration has affected the inside of your tooth means that there’s a chance that severe health complications might happen if the affected tooth is not addressed. These types of stains will require a more extensive procedure and are generally known for being more expensive. 

There are various factors that you’ll need to consider when it comes to whitening your teeth. Your current lifestyle and diet can also affect how your pearly whites appear. Adjustments may be needed to ensure that you can focus on your dental hygiene.

At the end of the day, you’ll need to talk to your dentist to ensure that both parties are on the same page on what needs to be done. Remember, there are several advantages to having white and clean teeth. However, you’ll also need to do your part in maintaining white teeth by avoiding stains. This way, you can achieve that smile that can brighten anyone’s day.

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