
The Best Corrective Solutions for Uneven Skin Tone

Woman with skin problem

Uneven skin tone can come in the form of age spots, redness, acne scars, or sun damage. They can be caused by a number of factors such as hormones, sun exposure, medications, or age. Thankfully, regardless of the cause, there are ways to even out your complexion and achieve smooth, flawless skin. The following are some corrective solutions to consider:


Microdermabrasion is a quick and easy way to even out your complexion. This procedure involves gently firing fine crystals across your skin using a tiny jet. It works by causing the outer layer of your skin to gently break away to reveal a lighter layer of skin underneath. This helps to lighten and eventually remove unwanted pigment and reveal a flawless and even skin tone beneath it. You can visit a trusted esthetician in Salt Lake City to perform this procedure on you.

Avoid certain food

Certain food and drinks may cause uneven complexions as well as age spots and wrinkles. These particular food items include:

  • Food that has plenty of refined sugars
  • Alcohol
  • Dairy products
  • Greasy food
  • Spicy food
  • Processed food

Instead, you should opt for a healthy diet that is rich in vitamin C and niacin. Vitamin C protects your skin against free radicals, which cause tissue damage on the skin. It can be found in bell peppers, oranges, guava, kiwis, and strawberries. Niacin can brighten your complexion, reduce wrinkles, and restore skin tone, and is abundant in food like green peas, tuna, poultry, and mushrooms.


Peels can even out skin tone by exfoliating the epidermis and removing pigment-packed cells on the skin’s surface. You can have them done regularly at a skin clinic or you can opt to do it yourself with an at-home glycolic peel or a peel containing salicylic acid.

Glycolic acid is used to treat acne, sun spots, wrinkles, age spots, and scars. It can penetrate the epidermis thoroughly and cause it to peel away to reveal healthy skin underneath. Meanwhile, salicylic acid is a milder version of glycolic acid and works about the same way. Avoid peels if you’re either using an acne product or have extremely sensitive skin.

Laser Skin Resurfacing

Lasers can even out your skin tone by way of highly-concentrated beams of light. There are two kinds of lasers that you can expect to find in a skin clinic: ablative and non-ablative lasers.

Ablative lasers penetrate the skin to remove a fraction of the skin in affected areas and removes the outer layer to encourage a new layer to heal in place of it. Non-ablative lasers don’t break the skin’s surface. Instead, they heat up the skin underneath the surface. This allows it to encourage the growth of new collagen and restores your skin’s natural tone and firmness.

Intense pulsed light (IPL)

Laser treatment

Intense pulsed light (IPL) is a non-ablative procedure that’s similar to laser skin resurfacing since it uses light to treat affected areas. Rather than a single, highly focused wavelength, this procedure delivers brief pulses of a broad spectrum of light wavelengths instead. These wavelengths can absorb excess pigment on the skin’s surface and stimulate the production of collagen.

Besides these corrective measures, you should also supplement your skin regimen with preventative measures to help curb the appearance of uneven skin tone. This includes moisturizing your skin, hydrating as much as possible, and using sunscreen.

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