
What is dental hygiene?

Dental hygiene is an extremely important form of preventative dental care that essentially strives to remove the build-up of plaque and tartar on the surface of the teeth, whilst in turn preventing the onset of the development of more serious oral diseases (and infections), one common example of which being gum disease. Many patients may be aware that they are recommended to visit their local hygienist bi-annually (twice a year) however they may be unaware of the true importance of a dental hygiene appointment.

Why is a visit to a hygienist so vital in maintaining a high standard of oral health?

Many patients may believe they are partaking in an adequate dental cleaning regime within the walls of their own home, despite this however many patients may be putting their dental health at risk by postponing (or even cancelling) their scheduled dental hygiene appointment. Maintaining a good standard of dental health can not only keep yellowing at bay, however it can also help prevent unexpected heavy dental bills in the future.

What to expect from a dental hygiene appointment at your local clinic

Many patients (especially for those individuals who experience anxiety within a dental environment) may feel more at ease knowing what to expect from their scheduled bi-annual dental check-up, which is why many clinics are now listing the several standardized treatments on their surgery website.

Staying on top of your dental health

woman at the dentistMany individuals may expect the general oral assessment that is typically administered in a standard appointment (this checks for dental decay, symptoms of gum diseases, and the build-up of plaque on the surface of the teeth) however they may be surprised to know that they may also be given an oral cancer screening, and possibly be asked of any changes to their medication, or lifestyle habits since their last visit.

What is a scale and polish?

A scale and polish is a deep cleaning treatment that is typically administered within a dental hygiene appointment to ensure the surface of the tooth is free from oral bacteria, and plaque. Although every dental clinic adopts a different dental approach, a scale and polish typically embraces the use of special brushes and pastes in order to create a clean, and healthy smile for the patient!

What are the benefits of staying up to date with your dental health?

Many patients may be unsure of the benefits of regularly attending their scheduled dental hygiene appointment; they may therefore even be tempted to postpone their visit, or even refrain from attending altogether. If you are an individual who is considering cancelling your regular dental hygiene appointment, then you may wish to think again!

Promoting a clean, healthy, and happy smile!

Aside from keeping your smile free of plaque and tartar, a dental hygiene appointment is also used to check for early symptoms of dental diseases and infections (such as gum disease, to name just one common example). In addition, dental hygiene appointments can also be used to achieve fresh breath, and reduce the possibility of tooth loss.

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